Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 11th, 1915

- North of Soissons the French attack launched on the 8th has succeeded in pushing back the German lines at Clamecy.  General Ewald von Lochow, commander of the German III Corps and tasked undertaking the imminent German offensive, decides today to postpone his own attack and reorients his 5th Division to execute a counterattack against the French advance tomorrow.

- After holding off the French attack of the 5th, the German 33rd Infantry Division counterattacked in the Argonne on the 8th.  Following three days of ferocious combat, by today the Germans have carved out a salient that reaches southwest almost to Four-de-Paris, and have taken 1600 French prisoners.

The German advance in the Argonne, January 1915.

- In Vienna the Italian ambassador informs the Austro-Hungarian government, in no uncertain terms, that the price for continued Italian neutrality is the cession of territory along their mutual frontier.

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